dsbundle directories correctly. ( 0000013) Fixed a Linux bug that was causing the plugin to crash on startup sometimes.Fixed a Linux bug that was causing the plugin to crash sometimes when selecting presets ( 0000010).Fixed several bugs in the sample library detection code.

If you find bugs, please report them via the contact form or add them directly to the bug tracker (you will need to make a separate account to access the bug tracker). If you want to develop samples for Decent Sampler, check out this page. If you’d like to support the development of Decent Sampler, please consider becoming a patron on Patreon. Linux (Intel 64-bit): VST, VST3, Standalone (download link is above).Mac (Intel & M1): VST, VST3, AU, AAX, Standalone (download link is above).Windows (32-bit/64-bit): VST, VST3, AAX, Standalone (download link is above).It is available in the following formats: The Decent Samples plugin is a FREE sample player plugin that allows you to play sample libraries in the DecentSampler format (files with extensions: dspreset and dslibrary).